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Evangelizing Children: The Ministry of Bible Visuals International

Monday, February 27, 2023 | Guest: Tom Luttmann |

Considering starting a new outreach to children or gearing up for summer ministries? Looking for materials to help you? Bible Visuals International (BVI) exists "to support Christians worldwide in evangelizing and discipling children by supplying quality teaching tools and relevant training for the purpose of helping children see Jesus." In this episode, Marshall Fant interviews Tom Luttmann, Executive Director of BVI, about the print and digital materials this non-profit supplies to help churches, parents, teachers, and missionaries reach children with the Gospel. With experience in both children's ministry and publishing, Tom Luttmann has served as BVI's executive director since 2010. Check out BVI's resources at biblevisuals.org.

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About the host

Dr. Marshall Fant

Dr. Marshall Fant is focused on strengthening the American church through church consulting and revitalization, the interim pastor ministry, and church planting. Dr. Fant has 21 years of experience as a pastor and 20 years of experience as a business owner. Dr. Fant earned a D.Min. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, an M.Div. from Bob Jones University, and a B.S. in administrative management from Clemson University. He is certified as a church consultant with the Society for Church Consulting. He is available to meet with pastors and church leadership at their church or by phone. Marshall and Gretchen have been married since 1981 and have five grown children and twelve grandchildren.