Gospel Fellowship Association Missions


Gospel Fellowship Association began a tentmaking program to direct committed Christian professionals to work and ministry on foreign fields. The mission of the tentmaker is to support, encourage, be an example, and help develop a gospel ministry through evangelism, Bible studies, and, in some cases, formal Bible teaching. In some situations, the tentmaker will help pioneer the gospel ministry in creative access nations. 


  • Relevant vocational skills.
  • Adequate spiritual and academic preparation for the ministry to be performed on the field.
  • Clear salvation testimony.
  • Membership in a conservative, independent, Bible-believing church.
  • Faithful church attendance and active involvement in ministry.
  • Upright character, polite manner, and teachable spirit.
  • Demonstrable zeal and effectiveness in seeing the lost saved and discipled.
  • Pastoral recommendation.
  • Good physical, mental, and emotional health
  • If married, a testimony of faithfulness in marriage. For the sake of consistency, GFA does not process the applications of divorced persons.
  • Agreement with the doctrinal positions of GFA.


  • The tentmaker will usually earn much of his income from his work.
  • In some cases he will also raise additional support to provide adequately for his needs.