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Preparing to Preach 2 Thessalonians

Monday, November 6, 2023 | Guest: Chuck Phelps |
Topics: Preaching

Why preach prophesy? One third of the Bible is prophetic with many of those prophecies having already been literally fulfilled. But Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians focuses on a prophecy we are waiting to be fulfilled: the Lord’s second return. In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant interviews Chuck Phelps about preaching through 2 Thessalonians. For much of his 41 years of pastoral ministry, Pastor Chuck Phelps has mentored men preparing for ministry. He makes a plea for preaching prophetic books. Speaking of the blessing of preaching this prophetic book, Pastor Phelps says, “I’m looking forward to the coming of Christ on so many levels. That's where our comfort is; that's where the challenge for holy living is...and that's how we live without fear. If you're not settled on where we live within the timeline, there is cause for a whole lot of fear.” Pastor Phelps has pastored Colonial Hills Baptist Church for the last 14 years.


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About the host

Dr. Marshall Fant


Dr. Marshall Fant is focused on strengthening the American church through church consulting and revitalization, the interim pastor ministry, and church planting. Dr. Fant has 21 years of experience as a pastor and 20 years of experience as a business owner. Dr. Fant earned a D.Min. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, an M.Div. from Bob Jones University, and a B.S. in administrative management from Clemson University. He is certified as a church consultant with the Society for Church Consulting. He is available to meet with pastors and church leadership at their church or by phone. Marshall and Gretchen have been married since 1981 and have five grown children and twelve grandchildren.