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Preparing to Preach in a Church Plant

Monday, June 24, 2024 | Guest: Matthew Recker |
Topics: Preaching

When launching a church plant, where do you begin your preaching ministry? In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant discusses this topic with Matthew Recker, who has planted three churches in New York City. He currently pastors Heritage Baptist Church in Manhattan, a church that began in 1996. Pastor Recker chose to start in Matthew 5 with the Beatitudes, a passage that corrects skewed views of happiness. True happiness comes from knowing Jesus Christ the King, mourning over our sin, thirsting and hungering for the Word of God, and developing right relationships around us. Pastor Recker said if he planted another church, he would start with the same passage because “the wisdom of Jesus Christ shines very powerfully in the Beatitudes.”

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About the host

Dr. Marshall Fant


Dr. Marshall Fant is focused on strengthening the American church through church consulting and revitalization, the interim pastor ministry, and church planting. Dr. Fant has 21 years of experience as a pastor and 20 years of experience as a business owner. Dr. Fant earned a D.Min. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, an M.Div. from Bob Jones University, and a B.S. in administrative management from Clemson University. He is certified as a church consultant with the Society for Church Consulting. He is available to meet with pastors and church leadership at their church or by phone. Marshall and Gretchen have been married since 1981 and have five grown children and twelve grandchildren.