Gospel Fellowship Association Missions
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Serving Missionaries

Getting a missionary to the field takes teamwork. Many logistical issues confront missionaries during deputation and as they serve on the foreign field. GFA assists missionaries by providing:

Missionary Care

With its team of regional directors, GFA provides its missionaries with experienced counsel and prayer support in matters relating to deputation, furlough, and field ministries. They visit the missionaries on the field, give counsel, and strategize about the ministry. They provide the primary communication link between each missionary and the home office. These interactions guide and encourage our missionaries. They also help the mission maintain a clear understanding of the needs and challenges of each field and missionary.


Pastors have greater confidence inviting a missionary to speak when they know he is affiliated with an agency that will maintain a strong biblical position over the years of the missionary's service.


GFA helps prepare its missionary deputees for effective cross-cultural ministry through its annual Ministry Advance Training Retreat. Individual mentoring and the annual GFA Family Conference further equip missionaries for fruitful deputation and on-field ministries.

Handling Business Details

  • Transmission of funds: GFA keeps financial support records forServing_Missionaries_business_details3.jpg each missionary and provides him a monthly statement of support and supporters. Support received through GFA is sent to the missionary and receipts are sent to donors.
  • Insurance: GFA arranges group insurance coverage for each career missionary and assists in the processing of claims.
  • Communication: To facilitate communication between missionaries and churches, GFA sends prayer letters and assists in the creation of prayer cards and presentations.
  • International Representation: GFA provides official documentation for missionaries when they apply for visas and work permits.