Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

Find an Opportunity

Are you ready to partner with GFA for the sake of the gospel? Our missionaries share many service opportunities with us, from short-term volunteer assignments to internships to career missions needs. If God has burdened you for a particular need, you can view opportunities by type, continent, country, or missionary name.

As you browse through the opportunities below, will you prayerfully consider how and where God could use you to advance the cause of Christ?


Tentmaking refers to any type of missionary endeavor where the worker is earning any or all of his necessary support. It is also used to describe situations where the missionary is using a legitimate business platform to justify his presence in the country. These approaches sometimes provide the needed entrance into Creative Access Nations – countries that restrict missionary visas and activity. While we cannot post specific information about current GFA tentmaking ministries, we are happy to talk with you personally.

Please contact us to discuss opportunities related to this ministry.