interim pastors :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions
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Interim Pastor Ministry

Most churches struggle through pastoral transitions, while some fail altogether. Observing this phenomenon, GFA began its Interim Pastor Ministry to utilize godly pastors and their wives who have retired from the full-time pastorate but are willing to help temporarily with churches in transition. These experienced men serve in a pastoral capacity, not merely pulpit supply, and stay approximately 6 to 12 months. The church is expected to provide for the basic needs of the interim but never to consider him as a candidate. This ministry is intended to provide a service to churches that are between pastors and would like experienced pastoral stability during the time they are seeking God’s choice for their next pastor. Contact Marshall Fant at GFA if your church is interested in getting an interim pastor.

FAQs about the Interim Pastor Ministry 

Current Interim Pastors



I want to thank you for your ministry and the blessing GFA and its Interim Pastor Program have been to Lighthouse Baptist Church. We enjoyed our time with the interim couple and felt our church was in good hands. The interim pastor gave us confidence as we went forward and was extremely helpful in our pastoral search process. He was much more than just an interim pastor to us.



Though his job title here was “Interim Pastor,” he gave us more than we could have imagined and essentially served us as senior pastor. He was the epitome of a servant leader, and I can confidently say he’s the humblest man I’ve known. I observed how every decision he made, no matter how trivial, was marked by humility. Humility also marked his teaching and preaching of God’s Word….

The depth of teaching we received from God’s Word gave evidence of the great amount of time he dedicated to study and preparation. We were greatly enriched, encouraged, educated, challenged, and convicted through his faithful teaching….

His love for people was manifested in the fact that he was not quick to write off those who were less faithful or unfaithful in their attendance or those who had not been productive members of the church body. He compassionately worked to try drawing these members to greater faithfulness…. Though I have been in church my entire life, the few months I was privileged to serve with him were some of the most transformative months of my life.



During our time together, our GFA interim pastor demonstrated a remarkable ability to connect with our congregation and foster an environment of love, understanding, and spiritual growth. He consistently exhibited strong organizational and leadership skills, effective management of and tenacity through the hurdles that are associated with a congregation struggling after the loss of their pastor, and truly a heart for God’s people. His kindness, compassion, and dedication make him a true asset to any community. His exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, have enabled him to encourage various avenues of outreach, engage with individuals from all walks of life, and foster genuine connections.

Under his leadership, our church has seen congregational growth, both numerically and spiritually, a baptism, family and marriage guidance and counseling, and the start of a Ladies Fellowship Program led by his wonderful wife. In addition, he was extremely instrumental…in locating our current senior pastor.



I was involved with the pastoral search when our senior pastor died following a bout with cancer. After having a guest preacher fill the pulpit each Sunday as we began our pastoral search, we decided it would be best to have an interim pastor that would preach every Sunday and provide guidance and leadership through these uncharted waters. GFA’s interim pastor was a seasoned man who immediately brought stability and sound leadership to our very volatile situation. Through monthly meetings with our leadership team, he guided us through the process and steps necessary to find a full-time pastor. Along with this, our interim gave sound preaching each Sunday, exhorting, instructing, and edifying a fragile congregation. He demonstrated wise counsel and discernment in handling several delicate people issues.



GFA’s interim pastor served as a “coach” for our pulpit committee as we navigated the search for a new pastor, while at the same time faithfully displaying an excellent working knowledge of Scripture. He also taught weekly lessons as a Sunday school teacher/leader and led in the upkeep of the church property. He had a servant’s heart and willingly served in any capacity needed, including conducting a funeral service and tending to the needs of the family who had lost the loved one.



From a practical perspective, upon his arrival, our GFA interim pastor was quick to evaluate our situation, and with great endearment, he was able to take charge and got things done. He offered to fulfill all the routine matters that fall to a lead pastor: he visited shut-ins, began church membership classes, conducted baptisms, and welcomed seven new members!

He organized our search committee. Being equipped with examples of job postings, a church profile, a questionnaire for both a pastoral candidate and his references, the search committee was able to start working on our mission with great speed and assurance. He gently suggested changes that would benefit the appearance of our church facility and assisted in implementing them. He also organized a new, online church director—something we greatly needed….

Thank you, GFA, for all you have done for us!