Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

Find an Opportunity

Are you ready to partner with GFA for the sake of the gospel? Our missionaries share many service opportunities with us, from short-term volunteer assignments to internships to career missions needs. If God has burdened you for a particular need, you can view opportunities by type, continent, country, or missionary name.

As you browse through the opportunities below, will you prayerfully consider how and where God could use you to advance the cause of Christ?


The field is the world and the needs are great everywhere, but listed below are the most urgent ones. Our greatest desire is to assist men and women who have a passion to obey God’s call find the place of God’s appointment for them. In order to help in this way, we discuss the person’s background, experience in ministry, gifts, education, health and family, and then seek to prayerfully advise the individual. Our goal is to help that person decide on a field and ministry and, where possible, join a team of workers. We would be happy to talk with you about your interests and the opportunities.