Brian and Erin are both natives of Michigan. Brian accepted Christ when he was about 5 years old. God soon gave him an interest in ministry and missions. As he grew up, that interest deepened to a conviction that God was calling him to a life of ministry. He and Erin met while enrolled at Bob Jones University. Erin grew up hearing the Gospel and personally put her faith in Christ when she was 15.
Both were deeply influenced by missionaries who visited the churches they attended. They were also impressed by experiences on the mission field. As part of Erin’s bachelor’s degree in Christian missions, she completed a summer internship with GFA missionary Michael Berbin in Papua New Guinea. After completing a bachelor’s degree in Bible, Brian spent a year in a ministry in South Korea.
Convinced she should thoroughly prepare to evangelize, disciple, and counsel women on the mission field, Erin went on to earn a master's degree in theology. Brian returned to BJU to earn both a master's degree in Bible and an MDiv degree.
During seminary studies, God used a burden for Chinese people to direct them to Taiwan. This relatively small island has around 23 million residents. Most are ethnic Chinese. Few are Christians. The Bollons moved to Taiwan in 2015, accompanied by their five children: Isabel (2007), Emmett (2009), Arthur (2010), Owen (2012), and Walter (2020). Jonas (2019) is already with the Lord.
For their first term in Taiwan (2015-2019), they were primarily focused on language study. As their language skills improved, they became more involved in the church started in 2005 by their coworkers. But the most rewarding ministry was with unsaved friends they made through language classes or in their neighborhood.
After completing formal language study, the Bollons are continuing to improve their language ability. They are excited about working with Taiwanese believers to evangelize and disciple, with the goal of starting a new church. They hope to eventually see Taiwanese churches starting new churches.
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