Atan was born on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines to an unsaved family. God wonderfully used an aunt to bring him to the local Baptist church, where he heard the Gospel and came to know Jesus as personal Savior. God gave Atan many opportunities to share his faith with unsaved family members and secular college classmates. He also served in his local church by teaching Bible clubs, handling the music ministry, teaching VBS, preaching and teaching Sunday school, discipling new believers, and going to rural areas to share Christ.
Atan was called into the ministry while he was studying in a secular university. His involvement in soulwinning, preaching and teaching Bible studies at University Baptist Church was used by God to impress upon him God's call to the ministry.
God began making His call clear to Rachel shortly after she trusted Christ as her Savior at the age of 4. She grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania. After Rachel was saved, she enjoyed many opportunities to share Christ through personal witness and through her local church ministries of public school Bible clubs, VBS, juvenile detention center, Sunday school, and seeing God work on several mission trips.
After graduating from BJU in 2007, God called Rachel to serve for five years with GFA as a short-term missionary in the Philippines, teaching music at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College. She taught music to many students, who in turn used what they learned in their own local churches.
Rachel especially loved the street children in Manila and had the opportunity to go to needy urban areas and teach Sunday school and Bible clubs to street children.
She also had a burden for the largely unreached tribal people, and this led her to spend much time working with local believers to seek to reach the unreached for Christ.
In 2010, Rachel and Atan served on a musical mission team to a remote island. Here God began calling them to serve Him in the Philippines together. In 2012, they were married at Limerick Chapel in Pennsylvania, and Atan began his training at Bob Jones University. They are convinced that God is calling them back to the Philippines to serve Him once again.
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