Realizing they needed Christ as Savior, both John and Maria accepted Him at an early age. John asked Christ to save him under the ministry of a missionary visiting from Alaska. Maria was saved under the influence of her Sunday school teacher and mother. She later had assurance of salvation as a teen.
As a youth, John tried to serve God on his own terms; but finally, in the summer of 1980, he answered God's call to make disciples in Germany. Maria did not know exactly in what capacity God wanted her to serve, but she was convinced she needed to do so and gave herself over to His leading in the spring of 1979. After finishing their education, they started full-time deputation with GFA in 1986 for ministry in Germany. In May of 1990 they first arrived in Frankfurt, Germany, with their two children. They then moved to Murnau to acquaint themselves with disciple-making “auf Deutsch.”
In 1992, the missionary with whom they were working resigned, and the church asked John to accept the challenge of finishing the church plant. Since then they have been working to build up the church and indigenize it. The Lord gave the opportunity in 2008 to start a second church plant in the town of Schongau.
Through tract distribution, book table ministries, personal contacts, and special outreaches, they spread the Gospel. Those nationals that have come to Christ are being discipled, trained and mentored. They are also looking to identify and train male leadership for both works, with a view to independence.
To view John and Maria Kenney's photo gallery, click the picture below.