Matthew Recker grew up in Northern New Jersey just 15 minutes outside New York City. As a teen, he became involved in the empty life of drug and alcohol abuse. As he became increasingly miserable, the conviction of sin became deep in his soul. By grace, the Lord saved him during his freshman year at Clemson University in South Carolina. When he returned to his New Jersey home that summer, the Lord led him to begin attending a Bible-believing church in Manhattan.
Soon Matthew sensed God's call to preach the Word of God and to return to New York City for full-time ministry. He then enrolled in Bob Jones University and received a B.A. in missions (1981) and an M.A. in pastoral studies (1983). He met his wife Debbie and they were married in 1981. They were accepted in Gospel Fellowship Association Missions in 1983.
Since 1984 God has used the Reckers to establish three urban churches in New York City: City View Baptist Church in Flatbush, Brooklyn (1984-1989); Parkway Baptist Church in Jamaica, Queens (1990-1995); and Heritage Baptist Church in Manhattan (1996-present). Heritage Baptist Church is a multicultural church in the heart of America's largest city. Heritage also features the Heritage Discipleship Institute, homeless and evangelistic outreach, and world-wide missionary outreach. They have three grown children, Rachel, Brian, and Daniel.
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