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Ruth Potter

Status: On the Field

Location: Asia
Field: Philippines
Ministry: Formal Bible Training, Ladies' & Children's Ministries



Ruth Potter grew up in a Christian home and understood the gospel at an early age. She knew that her parents’ faith could not save her, so she made a personal decision to ask Christ to forgive her sins. As a teenager, she surrendered her life to Christ at a youth camp. While praying about what subject to study in college, the Lord brought to mind something she had loved her whole life: music! 

After getting a bachelor’s and master’s degree in church music, she assisted her parents who were new missionaries in Hungary. Assuming God would call her back to Europe, she prayed and waited. Instead, the Lord led her path to a Bible college in the Philippines! She served at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College for 4 years as a short-term missionary before the Lord burdened her to return long term. After deputation, she arrived in Manila in August of 2015.

The Lord has given her a wide variety of ministry opportunities including working with children, ladies, music seminars, and even musical missions teams traveling to other Asian countries. Although her studies and workload are mainly musical, her greatest privilege has been to study the language so she can share the Gospel in Tagalog.

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