Sara Morris was saved at vacation Bible school when she was five years old. She surrendered her life to the Lord a few years later, but she struggled with doubts about her salvation until her early teens. During a week of evangelistic meetings when she was 14, she received assurance of her salvation and has not doubted since.
As she grew older, the Lord deepened her desire to serve Him full-time. She studied music and Bible in college and after graduating served in the ministry of a Bible college for five years. She loved the college ministry with opportunities to teach music and mentor young ladies. In 2008, the Lord led her to graduate school to work on a degree in music composition and gave her the privilege of studying privately with Mrs. Joan Pinkston. After one year of grad school, she had the opportunity to serve for a summer in the Philippines. During that time the Lord knit her heart not only to the Filipino people but also to the missionary team and the ministry of Bob Jones Memorial Bible College. Sara appreciated BJMBC’s vision of training Asians to reach their own people with the Gospel as well as its emphasis on training composers to write indigenous, God-honoring music for use in national churches.
After completing her master’s degree, she returned to serve in the Philippines for four years as a short-term missionary. She taught arranging/composition classes and private piano at BJMBC, had opportunities to mentor young ladies, and served in music, children's, and ladies' ministries in her local church.
Sara felt the Lord leading her to serve as a career missionary in the Philippines, so she returned to the States to begin deputation in April of 2016. She finished deputation and arrived on the field for her first term as a career missionary in October 2018.
Sara is currently involved in the following ministries at her church: music (with a focus on training church musicians and music leaders), youth (with a focus on mentoring and discipling young ladies), and children's and ladies' ministries. She continues to teach music arranging/composition classes and piano at BJMBC and assists in producing books of new, God-honoring music. One of Sara's greatest joys is to be able to point others to Christ as the only One Who can save them from their sins and to see believers grow in their trust and submission to Him.
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