Mark and Joanne Landon met in Edinburgh in 1983. Joanne had been serving as a single missionary since 1980, and Mark visited on a summer team as a Bob Jones University student. In 1985, on Joanne's first furlough, they married and returned to Scotland that year.
Mark grew up in western Colorado and was saved at the age of 20. He went on several mission teams as a college student, graduated from BJU in 1984, and was ordained in 1985 at South Sheridan Baptist Church in Denver. Joanne was born in Michigan and one of her earliest childhood memories was of her parents entertaining missionaries. She graduated from Bob Jones Academy in 1975 and Bob Jones University in 1979. The Landons have served in Shetland, Dalkeith, and Edinburgh.
Their current mission work includes church and nursing home services, tract distribution, one-on-one Bible studies, ladies’ meetings, and seasonal outreaches.
In 2019 Clermiston Baptist Church celebrated 25 years of ministry in NW Edinburgh. The Landons praise the Lord for His ongoing work, and for those who have come through the church and are now serving in other countries or have graduated to heaven.
In an agnostic society, many do not accept the Gospel, but there are many opportunities to give it out. Much of their mission work is making contacts, befriending people, meeting up for coffee, and letting one's light shine!
Serving in Scotland is a great privilege! The Landons also enjoy giving Covenanting tours, writing inspirational articles, and learning more about the Scottish Christians from the past: Samuel Rutherford, David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, John G. Paton, William Chalmers Burns, the Bonar brothers—the list goes on!
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