Tim’s parents moved to Poland as missionaries when he was just 4 years old, and that was his home growing up. In high school he was very interested in physics/engineering and was planning on going into that field. But during his senior year of high school God called Tim into the ministry. He went to Bob Jones University and graduated with a BA in Bible (2012), a BS in Biblical Counseling (2014), and an MDiv (2017). Tim met Claire at BJU while working at the same Bible club, where he saw her heart for ministry. Throughout their relationship they have continued to work side-by-side in various ministries at their home church, Mount Calvary Baptist Church. They have served in Released Time ministry, Neighborhood Bible School, and children's church. In the last few years Tim has been part of Mount Calvary’s Undershepherds in Training program. For a year he led the Neighborhood Bible Class (a community Bible study) every week, and during the summers he has had the opportunity to teach adult Sunday school classes.
Claire was incredibly blessed to grow up as a missionary kid in Hong Kong, where her parents, David and Marcia Darlin, are still serving. As a teen she had the opportunity to teach English classes for young children, and she loved it! When Claire returned to the USA for university, she decided to major in English education with an emphasis in teaching English as a second language. She graduated from Bob Jones University with a BS in English Education/Teaching English as a Second Language (2011) and MS in Biblical Counseling (2013). Her goal was to teach overseas and be involved in missions somehow. She knew teaching English could open doors almost anywhere. Turkey, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, returning to Hong Kong—you name it, she considered it. One place Claire hadn’t considered, however, was Poland. When God began leading Tim and Claire together, it took her some time to adjust to the idea of Poland. But God kept working in her heart, and Tim and Claire were married in 2014.
In 2018 Tim and Claire were able to take a 10-month short-term mission trip to Poland. They spent most of their time with Tim’s parents’ ministry, but they also took time to visit other missionaries and national pastors to ask them for advice on ministering in Poland.
While there he also took language classes to brush up on his Polish skills. Tim had a number of opportunities to preach, both filling in for his dad when he was away and at some of the ministries they visited. This short-term trip to Poland meant a lot of changes and adjustments for Claire. But through the time there, God gave her a greater burden for the Gospel in Poland.
Tim and Claire were accepted as career missionaries in January 2020.
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