Frank grew up as a practicing Roman Catholic and spent five years in a minor seminary near Pittsburgh, PA. In 1973 he graduated from Duquesne University, still unsaved. While working near Washington, D.C., a friend led him to the Lord in January 1976.
Sherry grew up in a Christian home and was saved as a child. She attended Piedmont Bible College in North Carolina and later taught in a Christian school near Washington, D.C., where she and Frank met. They were married in August of 1976 and moved to Greenville, SC.
In 1979 Frank graduated with an M.A. from Bob Jones University. From there they went to work with Roger Vogel at Berean Bible Church in Dublin, Ohio. After raising support, they left for Italy in February 1983 to plant a church.
The DiBagnos ministered in Italy from February 1983 to December 2018. They lived and served in Deruta, near Perugia, in the center of the country. Personal witnessing, literature distribution, Bible studies, and church services formed their chief ministries. They opened their first church building in February 1995 and moved to a larger one in 2009. Just before leaving the field, they had the joy of moving the church once again to a larger facility.
Italy's unique position in the Mediterranean makes it a magnet for people from many other countries, and the make-up of the church reflects this. While in Italy, Frank and Sherry ministered to people from Africa, the Middle East, South and Central America, along with Europeans and Italians. Not surprisingly, the people of this strongly Catholic country were not quick to accept the gospel message.
When Frank and Sherry retired from the field of Italy in 2018, the church was left in the care of Tom and Stephanie Boehm, who had worked with the DiBagnos for four years. On returning to the USA, Frank and Sherry settled in Greer, SC, and have continued to seek areas of ministry. They participate actively in their local church as well as helping in a Bible correspondence ministry, serving as a chaplain in the local detention center, ministering in a women’s crisis center, and helping in a children’s Bible club.
The DiBagnos have a married daughter, Sarah, who graduated from BJU in 2002 and lives in Texas and a married son, Nathan, who graduated from BJU in 2005 and lives in North Carolina.
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