Rachel was raised in a Christian home in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At a young age, she put her trust in Christ as her personal Savior, and she was eager to share her testimony with friends. The Lord used missionary presentations and missionary biographies to burden her heart for missions. As a teen, she determined to prepare for life as a missionary unless the Lord clearly closed the door. The Lord guided her to study nursing at Bob Jones University, and she received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2003.
In 2001, she visited medical missionary Anne Driesbach in Suriname, South America. This mission trip not only provided her first cross-cultural experience, it also impressed on her the importance of diligently learning the culture and language of the people to whom she would later minister. Following graduation, she again went on a medical mission trip, this time to Kenya, East Africa. Here, she had many opportunities to evaluate patients with tropical illnesses. God used this experience to direct her to graduate school. She completed a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of South Carolina in 2006 and then became certified as a nurse practitioner.
In 2007, Rachel had the opportunity to serve in Papua New Guinea as furlough replacement for Jennifer Pearson. After arriving back in the States, she gained additional experience as a family nurse practitioner. In 2012, she returned to the ministry in Aibai and served for 19 months. During this time, the Lord called her to become a career missionary in PNG.
Since completing deputation, Rachel began serving with the Aibai team of missionaries under the leadership of Michael and Janice Berbin. She is renewing relationships with many dear ladies and participating in ministries of both the church and clinic.
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