Bob and Becky say G'day from Australia where they have served as church planters since March 1993. In their first term they supplied for two furloughing missionaries, one in Ballarat, the other in Shepparton. This was a great opportunity to learn the culture.
In 1998 they moved to Mt. Beauty, Victoria, where they have been establishing a church through local outreach, holiday programs for children, Sunday School, preaching, discipleship, ladies Bible study, and ladies’ outreaches. Bob has also mentored two men for the ministry.
In the past they were involved with annual outback training/evangelistic outreaches. They also help each year at Crystal Creek Christian Camp. Some of their responsibilities have been camp director, camp parents, cabin leaders, speaker, camp board member, leadership training and kitchen help.
One of the highlights in ministry for Bob was the ordination of one of the men whom he mentored. This young man and his wife are now serving as ambassadors for Christ as church planters throughout Israel
Bob and an Australian pastor taught a homiletics class for men interested in preaching. Bob has since solo taught the class twice and also once in two other fellowshipping churches (in Benalla, Vic, and in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales). They are encouraged to see some of the men who completed the class now involved in pulpit supply for other churches, as well as ministering in their home churches. In the absence of an administrator, Bob also functioned as interim-administrator at the camp for nine months. While continuing the ministry in Mt Beauty, the Heins have also ministered in Cootamundra, New South Wales, twice a month for 12 months – stabilizing the believers, starting a church youth program, and giving direction in finding a national pastor.
Bob and Becky have four children who all grew up in Australia and married Aussies. They are all faithfully serving the Lord in their local churches in Oz.
The church folk of Mt Beauty prepared a six part series of evangelistic materials for a community outreach mailing. They have done other mail-outs as well. They look forward to seeing the impact these have in the community.
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