The Canadian prairie province of Saskatchewan is where Mike and Cheryl have been ministering among the Cree since 1995. Being burdened for an overlooked people, the Lord directed them to the Native groups in Canada. In Saskatchewan alone there are 74 Native Reserves and only a few fundamental works.
On the Mistawasis Reserve, which is their primary Native ministry, there is a small church established with services each week, as well as children's Bible clubs and teen activities scheduled through the year. Having a Native pastor take over the work is still the goal, though at present there is no immediate replacement in sight.
They are thankful for many open doors to preach on the reserve not only at church, but for many wakes and funerals throughout each year. There are also many trips up to one and a half hours away for hospital and jail visits. A move in 2007 to a more central location to their various Native outreaches has opened more doors in getting the Gospel out.
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