Ami’s parents faithfully taught her God’s Word and took her to church since her birth. One Sunday, during the preaching, she felt convicted about her sin and need of a Savior. That night Ami and her father knelt together as she prayed to accept Christ. Since then Ami has had peace in knowing that she is God’s child.
When Ami was eight years old, her parents answered God’s call to become missionaries to Hungary. After the Potters arrived on the field and began adjusting to the language and culture, the Lord worked in Ami’s heart about her call to help her parents. Over the next sixteen years, she interpreted for her parents on visitation, taught junior church, played piano for congregational singing, did Bible studies with the teens, wrote arrangements for special events, and helped in whatever ministry needed another pair of hands. She also took mission trips to other countries including Romania, Italy, India, and the Philippines.
During this time God also opened the opportunity for Ami to study music on a more professional level in high school and college. She graduated with her master’s degree in violin performance from the University of Pécs, Hungary, while taking classes in the church’s Bible institute program.
Near the end of her university training, Ami started working as a substitute in a local professional orchestra. As she prayed about what career path to pursue after graduation, she was invited to join the faculty of Bob Jones Memorial Bible College by her sister Ruth Potter. Ami initially agreed to help fill the gap in the music faculty for a year. However, because of various missionaries going on furlough and starting deputation, that one year stretched into six. Ami also started helping in a local national church with various ministries including singing in the choir, teaching children’s church, welcoming visitors, and counseling young people. She also participated in several teams led by her sister Ruth to minister to believers and evangelize in restricted access nations.
As time passed, Ami prayed repeatedly for God’s leading about pursuing career missions. With counsel from godly mentors and co-workers as well as reassurances from Scripture, God has given her confidence to walk through the open door of opportunity in the Philippines.
Ami is currently involved in discipleship in her local church as well as their online Sunday school ministry. She is also involved in producing both CDs and sheet music as an affordable resource of God honoring music for local churches throughout Asia. She teaches a number of music subjects at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College including private violin lessons and advanced music theory.
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