Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

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Todd and Sarah Hudson

Status: Furlough

Location: Europe
Field: Austria
Ministry: Church Planting, Formal Bible Training


Todd and Sarah Hudson arrived in Vienna, Austria, on November 6, 1997. As pioneer missionaries for GFA, their first tasks were acclimating to the new field, learning the language, and laying the groundwork for church planting. The church plant began with one young Austrian man on July 25, 1999.

The weeks and months that followed created a strong nucleus that led the church to develop a statement of faith, choose a name (Immanuel Bibelgemeinde), and incorporate as a Baptistic independent Bible church in early 2001. The church has outgrown three meeting places and has now purchased a building in the heart of Vienna.

In the autumn of 2003, the church prayerfully began an outreach to the English‑speaking members of Vienna, which serves as a headquarters for the United Nations as well as OPEC.

The church currently runs two morning services each Sunday, one in English and one in German.

Todd and Sarah have four children, Nathaniel, Kathryn, Claire, and Benjamin. If you are interested in learning more about the Hudsons' work in Austria, you can access their website at http://immanuelbiblechurch.at/.   

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