Rachel Steffensmeier grew up in a Christian family and was taught from an early age that she was a sinner in need of salvation. When she was about 10 years old, her pastor preached a message on hell. Later that night, her mom once again discussed the Gospel with her and she prayed to accept Christ’s finished work on the cross as the payment for her sins.
She had an interest in missions ever since she was young and realized that maybe the Lord could use her musical gifts on the mission field someday. While in college she was involved in short-term missions in Mexico and served in her church’s Spanish ministry. After graduating from Bob Jones University in 2016 with a master’s degree in Church Music Composition, the Lord led her to Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in the Philippines to teach music for a year.
During that year, the Lord gave her a love for the Filipino people, her music students, the church ministry, and the like-minded ministry at BJMBC.
As the Lord led her back to the Philippines for three additional years of short-term service, she enjoyed teaching piano, arranging and composition, and music theory at BJMBC and being involved in music, children’s, and ladies’ ministries at her local church. She has a desire to equip students to write music for their churches in their heart language. She has edited music for various sacred choral and instrumental collections produced by BJMBC and has written music in English and Tagalog.
During her four years of short-term work, the Lord gave her the desire to serve Him as a career missionary. She looks forward to returning to the Philippines after completing deputation.
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