Andrew grew up on the mission field of Australia in the home of GFA missionaries Tracy and Debbi Minnick. God used Andrew's many opportunities to preach and minister in the Minnicks’ local church plant during high school to call him to gospel ministry. Andrew has completed a BA in Bible, an MA in Bible, and a PhD in Biblical and Systematic Theology. While completing his PhD, he served as Director of Academics and Enrollment at BJU Seminary. He has taught on faculty at Foundation Baptist College (Alberta, Canada), Bob Jones University’s School of Religion, and Bob Jones Memorial Bible College (Manila, Philippines). While serving in these roles, Andrew has seen the worldwide crisis of many churches, with pastors needing to retire but unable to find a younger man to take their place. This repeated story, together with the opportunity to teach ministerial students for the past eleven years, formed in Andrew and Meagan’s hearts a burden for the ministry of training the leaders of tomorrow’s church on the mission field.
Meagan grew up in a pastor’s home in Aberdeen, SD. At BJU, she served on the Mission Prayer Band council and completed a BS in Music Education and an MEd in Elementary Education. She and Andrew met at BJU and were married in 2012. Meagan is devoted to her role in rearing and homeschooling their children: Seth (2014), Micaiah (2016), Levi (2019), Alli (2021), and Markus (2023). Andrew and Meagan have served at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, for the past sixteen years, including Andrew completing four years of Mount Calvary’s Undershepherds-in-Training internship and Meagan serving as president of the Ladies Missionary Prayer Group.
For the past six months, Andrew and Meagan have taught and discipled students at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in Manila, Philippines. Now they are on furlough to return to this ministry long-term. As they saw BJMBC graduates carefully and faithfully preaching God’s Word throughout the Philippines (and throughout the restricted access nations of Southeast Asia), the Lord confirmed their sense of His is leading to this work. Because the Lord recently led three key BJMBC faculty to other ministries and took a fourth home to glory, the needs at BJMBC are pressing. BJMBC leadership would like them to raise their support and be back to Manila by August 2025. Raising support in so short a time will have to be God’s work, so the Minnicks are earnestly praying for God’s leading to churches that can partner with a new missionary and are interested in having a part in sending them out.
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