Don and Ruthie Harris are serving with GFA on the field of Argentina. Both Don and Ruthie had the privilege of growing up in Christian families. Don's parents have been missionaries in Argentina since 1973, and Ruthie's father was a pastor in Peru for many years.
After getting married, Don and Ruthie worked with the youth group at their home church for a number of years. Don also taught in the Bible Institute for four years while also teaching Sunday school and serving as assistant pastor. Ruthie was privileged to help in the recording of two Spanish CDs, "Adoradle" and "Grande Es Tu Fidelidad."
Since 2005, the Harrises have been serving the Lord in the city of Tandil, Argentina. Tandil is a very "religious" city, housing a catholic "Via Dolorosa," a pathway with life size statues of Christ's last day, leading up to a 75 ft. cross with Christ crucified. This is a huge attraction during the Holy Week of Easter. The city has a population of approximately 140,000 people, yet retains a bit of a small town atmosphere with some of its remaining cobblestone streets.
A young, growing church has been started in Tandil. There are couples that are excited to serve the Lord, and we are grateful for men that are taking steps towards growing in the Lord and taking on some responsibilities. The Harrises also minister several hours from their home at another church in Mar del Plata. There is still much to be done and more workers would be very welcome.
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