Shelia began her missionary career when she went to the Philippines with her husband, Dennis Potts, in February 1979. Dennis and Shelia joined GFA in 1976, shortly before Dennis received his master's in theology from Bob Jones University. He met Shelia, a staff worker at BJU, while he attended summer school there in 1973, and they were married in 1974. After establishing Gospel Light Baptist Church in Manila in 1980, they continued to minister and train young people that attended the church through the Bible college that was begun in 1985 by other GFA missionaries. In 2009 Dennis turned over Gospel Light Baptist Church to Gilbert Castillo, and he began preaching evangelistic and revival messages at various churches. He also taught pastoral and local church subjects, not only at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College but also at other Bible colleges in the Philippines.
Due to a rare disease that Dennis began to deal with in late 2013, the Pottses were recommended to transition to GFA’s senior missionary status. While not in his beloved Philippines, Dennis maintained his fervent quest to reach souls for the Lord, even writing a tract called Peace with Death. He was called home on August 28, 2016, four days after his 69th birthday.
After Dennis's passing, Shelia felt led to remain in the States and live in Greenville, SC.
One of the outreaches that she enjoys helping with is volunteer office work with Faith Ministries, a distribution Bible correspondence course and tract ministry. Other days Shelia ministers to ladies that need help around their home or need assistance outside the home like going to doctor appointments, etc.
Shelia also enjoys time with her daughter and four grandchildren in town, as well as with her son. She has seven grandchildren in Cambodia and one in the Philippines that she visits as often as she is able.
To view Dennis and Shelia Potts' photo gallery, click the picture below.