Todd and Kathy met at Bob Jones University and worked one summer together at The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center as counselors. In the summer of 1993 they were married and graduated from Bob Jones University in 1994. Todd graduated with a degree in Bible, and Kathy graduated with a degree in elementary education.
After Todd did an internship at Calvary Baptist in Simpsonville, SC, he felt like he needed more practical training for ministry. They moved to Concord, NH, in 1995 and gained ministry experience as members of Trinity Baptist Church in Concord, NH.
In 1997 they moved to Clymer, PA, where Todd began teaching on the secondary level at Calvary Baptist Academy. The Lord then led them to Trinity Baptist in Williston, VT in 2001, where Todd continued teaching history and Bible on the secondary level. In February of 2004 the Lord called them to missions, and they began deputation meetings in October of 2005. Todd and Kathy have four children: Andrew, Isaac, Emily, and Paul.
During their first term Todd led a church planting endeavor in the city of Ndola and taught several classes in a Bible college where he was able to mentor men in the classroom and in the field. Though able to work in the city and in a formal setting Todd has always had the yearning to work in a bush setting. After surveying the country they moved to the Eastern Province of Zambia in 2011 to focus on a rural church planting ministry.
Their first order of business upon coming to the province was to work on language study and learn more about the culture. God in His wisdom allowed them to find a home right away which was owned by one of the local Chiefs. This relationship led them to his area of Mnukwa where he is Chief to more than 15,000 people. The area is vast and is made up of over one hundred villages. While scouting the region they realized there was a great need for Bible preaching churches. Some of the temporal problems the people face are poverty, disease, lack of education and literacy, witchcraft, polygamy, and alcoholism.
In September of 2013 while partnering with Grace Dental and Medical Mission the Beaman family began ministering in the village of Chijayezo. A dental clinic was set up under a tent and many people had the opportunity to be ministered to with the Gospel and with much needed dental care.
After the team left Todd began a weekly Bible study situated under a tree. During this time he interviewed everyone that attended. No one could give a clear testimony of salvation outside of those led to Christ in September.
On December 1st of that year they had their first church service and Calvary Baptist Church was initiated.
A year later in September of 2014 through the gift of an individual the church buildings were completed. This allowed Todd to focus on the building up of the people through discipleship. In late December people were invited to come and watch the "Jesus" film. Over 200 attended and many accepted Christ as their Savior as a result. Week long discipleship courses and other block courses have also been taught in the village.
Outside of teaching the people the Bible the Beaman family endeavors to spend time with the people working side by side on church projects. Some of the tools they use in their efforts include a literacy program, a first-aid station, a well for the people to draw water, and other areas of community service. In July of 2015 they will be starting a 12 step program to fight alcoholism and other addictions and behavioral problems.
On Good Friday of 2015 the first Baptism service was held. Thirty-Five souls were baptized and added to the church. Easter Sunday followed with the first communion service. Attendance varies, but on any given Sunday nearly one hundred people are ministered to.
The burden of the Beaman family is to continue to reach farther into the bush with the Gospel. There are thousands of villages that have no Gospel witness in the Eastern Province of Zambia alone.
To view Todd and Kathy Beaman's photo gallery, click the picture below.