Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

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Chris Hess

Status: On the Field

Location: North America
Field: Canada



Chris was accepted by Gospel Fellowship Association in 1982 and moved to Nova Scotia the following year. The Lord introduced her to Nova Scotia through participating in the Bob Jones University summer missionary training program. She grew up in a small town in northwest Ohio and finds that the small, close knit family ties people have in Nova Scotia remind her of where she grew up.

Chris lives on Cape Breton, an approximately 100 mile long by 80 mile wide island which is connected to mainland Nova Scotia by a causeway. About 132,000 people live on Cape Breton Island.

When Chris moved to Nova Scotia, the Lord first opened the door to help a small work in one of the larger towns on the southern part of Cape Breton Island.

In 1996 the Lord opened the door to go further north and live among the people in the highlands of Cape Breton. She is based in the small fishing village of Pleasant Bay and branches out from there to other small villages to share the true biblical hope found in Christ and His Word. Some outreaches she is involved with include children’s Bible camps and Bible clubs, ladies’ outreaches, and one-on-one opportunities to folks in times of need. She is thankful to be able to share Christ’s love with the people in these villages and to see some who came as children now bringing their own children to the outreaches. In looking to the future, she is continuing to trust that “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it” (I Thessalonians 5:24).

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