Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

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Brenda Hager

Status: Senior Missionary

Location: North America
Field: Tennessee



Brenda Hager was born and reared in Nashville, Tennessee. After receiving Christ at the age of 9, she surrendered her life to full-time Christian service when she was 17. She graduated from the Institute of Christian Service at Bob Jones University in 1973 and was accepted by GFA as a candidate for the Philippines in 1976. Brenda and another GFA lady arrived in the Philippines in May 1978 as the first two missionaries to open the field of the Philippines for GFA.

For 35 years Brenda has mostly served with Filipino pastors in pioneering churches in three locations: Gospel Light Baptist Church in Quezon City; Gospel Light Baptist Church in Odiongan on Romblon; and currently Bethany Bible Believers' Church in Tagaytay on the island of Luzon. Brenda has endeavored to reach the unsaved by teaching Bible clubs in the barrios, conducting youth and ladies' Bible studies, and teaching Sunday school. She has also taught children's and ladies' ministries at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College and religious instruction at the local high school in Tagaytay.

Brenda also began the Young Achiever's program to target youth 10 -15 years old.  Young Achiever's goal is to disciple youth coming from our outreach ministries to bring them in the church and eventually to reach their parents with the Gospel. 

For the future, Brenda has a burden to offer a ministry of helps to the many who need counseling, Christian literature, and strengthening of their spiritual lives. Brenda also desires to write a children's discipleship program to be used at Bethany Bible Believers' Church and made available to other churches.

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